Labib Lartey
Labib Lartey
Did you manage to fix this?
What coins are supported? It's there a list available
Ah sucks that it doesn't support bip 44 coin list
I've been using the fork recently so cant say if that error existed before. However checked it now and released it does crash my current instance. Implemented a quick...
Did you make to get this resolved? Sending images hasn't been working for me too for a long time now. I hear this fork managed to fix the image...
I have implemented the Fork and managed to get text messages working. Images still dont work but i get a different traceback message this time: ``` [Whatsapp] Mac started...
`$ pip uninstall pyOpenSSL` fixed it! problem with that package being too strict with its inputs and `requests` package uses it preferentially, however it isn't necessary.
`@signals.initialized.connect` This is for a function to run **once** on initialisation (startup) off the bot. `@signals.message_received.connect` This is for a function to run when any message is received. `@signals.command_received.connect` This...
Having the same issue. I have 3 teensys connected to my PC and this is the platformio.ini code I have in each project folder: ``` [env:teensy31] platform = teensy board...