Hi, Thank you published your code. But I have some questiones :1. your python version is 2.x right?2. What is the 'agent'? How can I use it in python3.6?
Hi I read your code. The corresponding runtime environment is also configured, but there is now an error. Can you help me? C4996 'boost::asio::basic_socket::cancel': By default, this function always fails...
您好,向您请教几个小问题。 1.在启动之后模拟器桌面没有展示小组件,需要什么额外的配置吗? 2.如果我的模拟器上存在有多个支持小组件的APP,如何把它们添加到桌面上呢?在操作编辑桌面后看到可添加的小组件列表始终为空。 两个基础入门的小问题,期望得到您的答复。