关于集群模式,希望引入局域网自发现(类似Bitcoin),或者通过ip指定master,对于多机子集群应能进行主从管理,从而能诊断集群的消息。 因为部分公司的环境是进行隔离的(无法使用web页)
then I update to 0.10.2, problem still exist.
The Error 2 may be that you have enabled both firewall and iptable at the same time. disable firewall maybe it works
> ```js > /* Hack for focus blur from liveSearch input */ > > var blurState = false; > > $('.bs-searchbox .form-control').on('focus', function() { > if (!blurState) { > $(this).blur();...
另外,在版本aidlux1.2,我发现cloud_ip是默认打开的,并且noVnc是常驻,当开启xfce4时访问 `http://ip:6080/vnc.html` 竟然可以免密登录,这实在是太危险了。In addition, in version aidlux1.2, I found that cloud_ IP is turned on by default, and novnc is resident. It is accessed when xfce4 is turned on http://ip:6080/vnc.html...
该问题并没有解决 version: aid desktop:1.5.1
@aidlearning 我看不到任何改进,如果可以,要不我来开发? I can't see any improvement. Can I help it? 这是我一年都没碰aidlux的原因,期待值逐步降低,因为它还做得不够好。This is the reason why I haven't touched Aidlux for a year. The expectation is gradually lowered because it...
any one solve it?
I get the Same Problem. It's alway tell me `syscall rename error` , when `npm install`. `npm cache clean --force` no useless. So I have to delete the folder,any run...
我也查到了这个问题, 有人能解决么?I also found this problem. anyone solving it?