@t-kitawaki Thank you for reporting. Can you provide steps to reproduce the bug?
@vorj I request you to try this issue.
@vorj Firstly, do not send the big PR which contains whole cases. #202 (and a item you wrote above) is enough to merge. So please make those tests. On the...
Anyway, this issue is not on the beta2 milestone thus #153 's priority is higher.
@vorj The file for ultima test will be large. How about making `ultima_tests` directory and dividing them into each file by test type?
test_einsum.py > AttributeError: module 'clpy' has no attribute 'einsum'
Candidate external libs: * clBLAS https://github.com/clMathLibraries/clBLAS * CLBLAST https://github.com/CNugteren/CLBlast
ALL BLAS Interface should be supported by ClPy is [same as CuPy](https://github.com/cupy/cupy/blob/v2.1.0/cupy/cuda/cublas.pxd), not only used by ClPy itself.