How can I do to support CoreML format?
hi , I see that the model has updated to version2, and now the tesorflow has updated to version2, how can I fix the script to support TensorFlow 2?
博主您好, 我测试了demo,很流畅。 目前在尝试这个人体姿态识别,从MNN工作台中,下载了mobilePose模型,看其在工作台自动生成的python代码,太费劲了。 目前比照您的这个demo,只得到了MNN::session的tensor,后续不知道怎么搞了。。。
Hi, I try the project,it is very good. But, I found that it spend 51ms on my iPhoneX, not 27ms. So,what is the problem? Should you update the model to...