Results 16 comments of LMLB

I have limited it to only accept 8-bit typed arrays, how is that?

In any case, the code currently replaces Math.round if Math.round(-0.4999...) isn't equal to 1.

For reference, the relevant section of the README is "Usage notes for sdiconhax", specifically this paragraph: > Due to the above, you can't change anything related to SD icon layout(including...

In my testing, removing the CSS filters made it much smoother on Firefox. Knowing this, I made [a userstyle](https://gist.github.com/LMLB/00987b39c320c021298b6b1e041af407) (for my own use), that replaces the CSS filters with opacity...

[Tutorial: Writing High-DPI Win32 Applications](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd464659.aspx)

I use winkey instead of alt for this reason.

When _Scroll inactive windows_ is enabled, scrolling on the ribbon to change tab doesn't work no matter if the window is active or inactive. Paint and WordPad (on Windows 7...

I think I fixed it with pull request #165 that I created not too long ago.

A different one, `c_id` causes issues with libsyn.com, see #232.

I have separated the luminance calculation into it's own function in [the gist I posted in the other issue](https://gist.github.com/LMLB/47cb7997f9e7e4cf1f1052f80f93b195).