Lars Kreutzer
Lars Kreutzer
Rebased on fabfile and workflow changes
Reuse of build step artifacts in test step with non-native config (i.e. asan or production) is low. Why is that? Is there an option that is blocking reuse?
You need to use the `pull_request_target` trigger instead of `pull_request`. Be aware however, that this grants additional access to the repo.
Perhaps worth trying out for Magma? cc @nstng
Seeing the same issue, but for us it seems to be flaky, see [workflow runs]( It started ca. 1 week ago.
tim-actions/get-pr-commits and tim-actions/dco have not had releases in over a year, it might make sense to replace them by more up-to-date actions. Ilshidur/action-slack has not had a release since Sept....