Florian Castellane
Florian Castellane
Hi developers, In my app, I am interested in testing whether my webcam has an image available. It seems that when this is not the case, the logger reports a...
fixing this error I got using qomui while enabling the service at startup: AttributeError: 'QomuiGui' object has no attribute 'initalize_service'. Did you mean: 'initialize_service'?
According to TI's datasheet (see below), pins 5 and 7 should be connected, and pins 6 and 8 should be the TX and RX lines for RS232 testing. www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cc3000.pdf
I am running the modded server with its plugin. All the configuration has been left to default (except some strings that have been translated). Permissions mixedmodeauth.create: true mixedmodeauth.passwd: true have...
Hello, First of all, thank you Sakaki for your tutorials. does buildkernel support distcc? I've been trying to run `pump buildkernel` but to no avail after noticing this page: https://github.com/sakaki-/gentoo-on-b3/wiki/Set-Up-Your-B3-as-a-distcc-Client...
Alright, this is maybe not a buildkernel issue, since it looks like it may happen in genkernel, but have you seen this before? I get this in the last steps...
Just a heads up: I am now getting this message upon updating my system with buildkernel installed: ``` !!! The following installed packages are masked: - sys-kernel/genkernel-next-69::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)...