When `pkgdown::build_site()` we get a warning message: ~~~ The vignette title specified in \VignetteIndexEntry{} is different from the title in the YAML metadata. The former is "Get-started", and the latter...
To make the best use of gitlab-ci you can add a junit reporter for tests. This is [the only reporter supported by gitlab]( [junit reporter]( is avalaible from the {testthat}...
I would be nice to have dedicated precommit hook for {fusen}. I have created a [Feature Request for {precommit}]( Please consider to contribute to this or even develop others hooks....
This should fix #268
The error is due to the comment inserted at the top of the file ~~~ shell [line_length_linter] Lines should not be more than 80 characters. This line is 83 characters....