Tomasz Serwański
Tomasz Serwański
**Describe the bug** The default values in the Android tab under the Platform Settings reference Lumberyard. This applies to Package Name, Icons, and Splashscreens. Please refer to the attached screenshots...
**Describe the bug** If the _Platform Settings_ are reloaded with the _Android Icons_ list expanded, the Editor crashes. Please note that the error.log is not generated after the issue. Please...
**Describe the bug** The Culling Debug Window does not show any statistics no matter what options are enabled, which sample is loaded and where the camera points. Please note that...
**Describe the bug** The AtomSampleViewer.GameLauncher.exe still uses the Lumberyard icon (on Windows) or the generic icon (on Linux) instead of the O3DE one. Additionally, AtomSampleViewerStandalone.exe uses the generic .exe icon...
**Describe the bug** The Minimum Exposure on the Sidebar contains a typographical error ("Minumum Exposure"). Please note that the issue occurs both in Windows and Linux. Please refer to the...
**Describe the bug** The Minimum and Maximum Exposure settings are inverted. At the moment, increasing the Minimum Exposure results in the scene to appear darker, and decreasing the Maximum Exposure...
**Describe the bug** Modifying the _Quality Level_ setting does not have any effect in the DepthOfField sample. Please note that the issue occurs both in Windows and Linux. Please refer...
**Describe the bug** Checking the _Enabled Debug Color_ box does not have any effect in the DepthOfField sample. Please note that the issue occurs both in Windows and Linux. Please...
**Describe the bug** The Bloom sample looks exaggerated. Most of the color bars are white while they should be more diverse, with preserved color shades, progressively brighter from left to...