
Results 29 comments of Felipe

Can you check if the plugin is loading correctly the reverb data on newest release candidate? https://github.com/LAGonauta/MetaAudio/releases/tag/v0.3.0-rc1

There is a trailing comma `,` at the end of line 55, picojson doesn't like that`

Well, the original parameters are overwritten and when a parameter is not set the default value is _0_. Maybe this could be the problem?

Not sure if it is going to help, however I am in the process in making a C interface for use with C#: https://github.com/LAGonauta/Alure-C-Interface As Go can pass pointers around...

@NathanStrong-Tripwire It is one of those generic SNES to USB adapters, similar to this one from Mayflash: http://www.mayflash.com/Products/N64SNESSS/PC044.html

My comment about `alGetProcAddress` is more addressed to any application calling the router, inside the router I don't really have an opinion on where to load those methods. `AddModule` feels...

I got that value from the hardware, so there is no header to go from. I can check whay the value is for MONO32 on the hardware, if desired.

Just got them all from a X-Fi Titanium HD: ``` AL_FORMAT_MONO32: 4610 AL_FORMAT_STEREO32: 4611 AL_FORMAT_QUAD32: 4614 AL_FORMAT_REAR32: 4617 AL_FORMAT_51CHN32: 4620 AL_FORMAT_61CHN32: 4623 AL_FORMAT_71CHN32: 4626 ``` Or if you prefer hex:...

OpenAL Soft's reverb and X-Fi's reverb do not match perfectly for some reason, this is most likely the reason you are hearing difference. I _think_ newer versions are supposed to...