> Why don't you just sync permissions from prod to lower environments? Hi Shawn, often bi manager assigns grants directly in production without aligning the developers and when they bring...
> I think limit it to the type of permission will be best. (Just grant and not grant select) I guess it is easier to make, however, it would force...
Also in this command, however, something is missing that keep out ONLY grants (for example) Get-DbaPermission -SqlInstance SQLSRV -Database MyDB **-Grant**(will read from the GrantStatement source) (extract from Get-DbaPermission) ......
> @L3onard80 > `Get-DbaPermission ... | Select grantstatement` **I LIKE IT!** Thanks! > `Get-DbaPermission ... | Where PermState -eq 'GRANT'` This DOESN'T work as expected and does an infinite swipe...
Perfect works exactly like the first command (Get-DbaPermission ... | Select grantstatement). Thanks again, Klaas.
> I'm not sure if this is still a request for a new feature. > @L3onard80 : Do you still want to have the new parameter `-Permission`? > At all...