When trying to use the library in a multi-threaded environment, most of the structs aren't Send because they contain a raw pointer. Would it be possible to marke them as...
Being able to use skills. We need a general interface so we can call the skill action when required & affect the world.
Add support for the skills hotbar. Being able to create / save / load / update the hotbar with skills
- [x] login - [x] logout - [x] change characters - [x] create account on second login - [x] send worlds and channels - [x] select character - [x] create...
We use a json file to configure the servers (and/or command line options). The goal would be to write a github wiki page to document every option in the config...
From what I saw, the skills table doesn't get deleted when a character is erased. It should so we can keep the database clean.
We should be able to connect to a MySQL server as well as a PosteGres one in the same pool and everything should be streamlined.