
Results 37 issues of Len

Only change detection is currently compiled. To detect modified props, `Object.keys` and a loop is used — on each run. Instead, the modified props should be detected by compiled code...


It is possible to mutate incoming props, to pass non-plain objects into states/reducers etc. To prevent issues following these mistakes, there should be checking against these cases installed in the...


# IS When a function needs the already rendered element, e.g. for scrolling, a `setTimeout(..., 0)` needs to be put into the `R` callback. # SHOULD There should be an...


# IS ~~Currently, `node_map` items are ordered by reinserting them when their index (absolute position) has changed.~~ ~~Currently, `node_map` items are ordered by reinserting all of them.~~ Currently, `node_map` items...


This is a fun little project maybe. :wink: There should be a optional parameter to specify the html responses. "OK! Thanks for uploading" is a neat message but it would...

### WHY are these changes introduced? `useCallback` is there so that you have a non-changing value that can be passed down without needless updates caused by that. `useEffect` just runs...


I tried to transpile down the vscode frontend from es2020 to es2015 in order to use it on a machine that does not support newer browsers. Rare use case but...

customer issue

I try to run a demo: https://hd0.linusakesson.net/files/lft-sommargubbe.prg But it does not work: `Unknown instruction: AXS at $16E4` I assume it is some undocumented hack instruction that lft uses here but...

I am using the latest released binary on latest debian bullseye. I run the client on my big machine only. When I run the feather-server on localhost, it works. Now...

I already donated to your DASH number. I hope you got it. Now, how can I support you again for this project? The readme does not have DASH Address. Thanks...