
Results 10 comments of Lauloque

It can run from once a day to several times per hour depending on what I am doing. I do run multiple instances sometimes. Unless I open Blender by running...

Same for me, still crashing sometimes.

Being a moderator myself on some forums, I know that there are always needs of such tools no matter the community. But I also always have concerns about automated moderations....

> - [ ] Block certain titles (e.g. including phone numbers) > - [ ] Prevent publishing duplicate titles (also helps to avoid the 'Awesome Post Title' issue) I should...

Hi! A little addition to this: I do animations and I often need to compare the progression between two test renders. At my worplace we have a customized proprietary software...

I second this. I'm an animator, I often use Beeref to have still frames references, and I have to use another software for videos. I would love to be able...

Glad we share the same interests! There are many ways to make stamps, some "enlarge" the canvas of the render to put their stuff, some overlay it on the render...

Hi, Sorry for the delay. It seems to work on my end as well. Just a little possible tweak; It seems to remove some extra spaces. I tried to manually...

This issue is due to the dots characters in the release's zip file name and folder name. User can fix it themselves: 1. Go to the folder where you installed...

Kind of related, let me know if I should open a different ticket for it: Could we have a different lighting state for devices that can be either plugged /...