
Results 7 comments of KyriacosP

Do we have any updates? We are facing a similar issue. We are getting an unsatisfied dependency error for org.hibernate.reactive.mutiny.Mutiny.Session [1] Unsatisfied dependency for type org.hibernate.reactive.mutiny.Mutiny$Session and qualifiers [@Default] -...

Current workaround is based on the workaround from @gwenneg on this issue #10716: ``` @ConfigProperty(name = "custom.liquibase.migrate") boolean runMigration; @ConfigProperty(name = "quarkus.datasource.jdbc.url") String datasourceUrl; @ConfigProperty(name = "quarkus.datasource.username") String datasourceUsername; @ConfigProperty(name...

Maybe a warning on the Liquibase and Flyway guides that they do not work with Hibernate Reactive by default will be a good idea.

+1 having the same issue

+1 Any progress on this? Having raw Maps and Objects everywhere is proving very difficult to work with.

Any updates on this? or any way to provide a direction for the modal to open?

Is there any chance this is coming sooner? it will make migrating to blaze-persistence much easier.