I wonder why the animation player auto plays in the editor for the MRP. I can't get that to happen on a separate project unless I use a tool script...
I found one solution by adding the following code at the beginning of AnimationPlayer::_animation_process_data. Or higher if preferable in the call stack. ``` if (cd.from->animation == nullptr) { playback.current.from =...
So after some updates this specific crash doesn't happen, but the following crash now occurs though. Not sure how to fix this one. Not sure exactly which commit exactly, but...
Here's a smaller MRP, [GodotDevAnimCrash.zip](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/files/12887535/GodotDevAnimCrash.zip). **To reproduce crash:** 1. Open main.tscn 2. Open child_animation.tscn 3. Return to main tab
I found out after some debuging without a mac https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11403107/capturing-javascript-console-log I found I was getting a constraint error, wich led me here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46981889/how-to-resolve-ios-11-safari-getusermedia-invalid-constraint-issue Then I notice 640x480 size works. BUt...
Not sure what you guys mean by web app but I can use the camera on safari through a shortcut from the home screen just fine. ios 12.1.4.. Just use...
I did some testing and am not quite sure how notifications work on the user's end of the website. Sending some messages to a few test accounts, I noticed messages...