
Results 11 comments of sunkunxi


> > 版本2.x的nacos用不了官方推荐的那个nacos_python_sdk,不兼容 > > 兼容的,2.x的服务端保留了1.x所有的api接口 尝试过的: ```python # Not working: 这个方法发不出心跳 NacosClient.send_heartbeat(service_name, ip, port, cluster_name, weight, metadata) ``` 心跳发不出去的,下面是我的 work around,用add_naming_instance的方法持续注册(bad idea) ```python class NacosManager: def __init__(self, nacos_cfg: NacosConfig...

我用的shedule,来每五秒发送心跳到nacos ```python import schedule import threading # 每五秒,发送心跳到nacos,注意,需要运行schedule.run_pending() schedule.every(5), service_name=app.config['SERVICE_NAME'], ip=app.config['SERVICE_IP'], port=app.config['SERVICE_PORT'], cluster_name=app.config['NACOS_SERVICE_CLUSTER_NAME'] ) def run_scheduled_task() -> None: # 一直运行 while True: # 检查是否有规划了时间的任务准备运行 schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1) # 启动schedule,运行后台任务 threading.Thread(target=run_scheduled_task).start() ```

> issue翻来翻去都有点劝退nacos python了,哈哈 原因我倒是找到了,nacos现在最新版本是2.x,这个python sdb只支持到1.x,所以很多地方有坑。 我自己研发了一个python的sdk,还在测试中,目前比较简陋

Hello~, the current version is sqlmodel 0.0.19. Does anyone have idea about how to solve this? `@mapper_registry.mapped` not work for me

> Integrated migrations (using Alembic). Use `Index=True` does not work in alembic😭, and I wish the `description` in `Field` can be used as the comment in Database.

I would like to suggest an enhancement for SQLModel to support single table inheritance, similar to what is available in SQLAlchemy. This feature would allow us to define a class...

建议设置一下lr为0.001,dropout设置为0.2。 如果还有问题,可以调整下别的超参。

我用的就是CCPD,你可以搜下关于CCPD的介绍。然后,自己定义一个读取CCPD数据集的Pytorch Dataset。