Gergely Kún

Results 16 comments of Gergely Kún

> * Please do not intimidate the attorney. They have a job to do. True, spineless as they are, it's still FB that all the hate should be aimed at....

> the attorney and their corporation deserve to be called out. It's not a good idea, never was. Even in ancient times the shooting of the messenger was considered bad...

> If we blame employees of Waffen-SS and SS-Totenkopfverbande for just doing their jobs, why shouldn't we blame lawers for just doing their jobs? No, not really. The commoners have...

> > sending out these blackmail letters > > I am not your lawyer and this is not a legal advise: Consider using words like `allegedly..` or `evidently..` to avoid...

> the word (...) "эсэсовец" has still a very negative tonality, at least in Russian. So does the word "eštebák" (a reference to StB/ŠtB, the Czechoslovak secret service during Communist...

> if they're intentionally cracking down on it I'm 99% sure it's intentional. Even the evil bastards working at FB know that legalese can surely intimidate some developers (plus the...

> I don't know why you are anxious about this letter. Because England has a "nonstandard" relationship with the US (i.e. they extradite pretty much ANYBODY to the US, no...

I had the same issue, but on Windows 7 (64-bit). Running register_run_as_admin.bat didn't help either. Only after restarting my laptop and running register_run_as_admin.bat again (as an admin) did my Chromecast...

Sure! The problem seems to be present in quite a few files though. The cmake output: ``` root@9644e80a5d71:~/rtl_433/src/SoapySDR# cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$BUILD_HOME/build" -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Windows -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=amd64 -- The C compiler identification...

Moreover I've tried to use all sorts of gimmicks for telling g++ to enable C++11 support (via passing -std=c++0x or -std=c++11 to g++), but to no avai. The errors have...