I soldered the VINDRIKTNING to a ESP32 board (ESP32-MINI) but do not get a signal from the sensor. a An additional DHT11 works well. I compiled tasmota32 with the #define...
The tool fails when a chromium browser is called using a command line option like user-data-dir. The use case is using one browser with more than one instance for different...
In https://github.com/blakadder/zigbee/blob/master/_zigbee/Ebyte_E18-MS1PA2-IPX.md this device is mentioned to work but [a discussion on the firmware page ](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/issues/200)suggests that due to twisted pins (P11 is TXEN and P10 is RXEN) it actually...
I see no ESP32 based device in the list of supported devices. Could e.g. [tasmota32solo1.bin](http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota32/release/tasmota32solo1.bin) be added as used for Shelly Plus 1?
I run an access point with lnxrouter successfully with `./lnxrouter --ap wlp1s0 myap -p mypwd --daemon --dhcp-dns`. But clients on the ap can't communicate between eachother. Clients of the...
I have a wifi password with `&` in it. WIFIManager is not able to connect to it. Error: ``` Trying to connect to mygreatwifi... E (275725) wifi:sta is connecting, return...
If I test my connection with ``` curl -v https://confluence.mycompany.com/rest/api/space/MYSPACE -H "Authorization: Bearer averylongsecret" ``` I get a 200. All fine Using this with confluencebuilder with debugging I get `DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:https://confluence.mycompany.com:443...
If a site uses another API file name this package can't connect to it. Please allow for other endpoint names like `https://awiki.site/w/index.php`.
when connection to wifi network fails the fallback ap activation prints out the ap credentials. A reset ap credentials method has been introduced to remove these sensitive information and reset...
Modern BLE devices alter their MAC address with each new pairing.Hence your script doesn't find the in OS1 paired device in OS2. Just copy the setup in OS2 (Linux) to...