
Results 8 comments of Kuchenmampfer

I already use [saldo](https://gitlab.com/tabos/saldo/-/issues/62) and currently just copy everything from there into denaro by hand. So for me, any way of automatically retrieving transactions from saldo would be enough. However,...

Unrelated to the charts, but having something (maybe a dropdown menu) to quickly filter for the last (day)/week/month/year would also be great as the current date range selection can be...

Hmmm. Since this is very easy to create, it only really makes sense for events. But even though I love the builder base, I don't think that it makes sense...

Alright, I tried to implement versus clan rank events using custom classes. Here is my code: ``` import coc class CustomClan(coc.Clan): def __init__(self, *, data, client, **_): super().__init__(data=data, client=client) self.member_cls...

Just adding these two lines is not possible because that would give people type hinting for something that does not work with the default classes. So in my eyes the...

`capital_rank` sadly is not possible because the clan endpoint for whatever reason provides information on how members decorated their capital player house, but not their capital gold donations.

I just implemented the `member_versus_rank` event here: https://github.com/mathsman5133/coc.py/commit/377ef8bd628ba9e58d4b715e63e6c9ef6c9a65bd

Everything from this PR is included in PR #10. So if you want the !languages command, merge that one, if not, merge this one.