
Results 8 comments of Kubikx

I will need some 3D rendering with in scene tooltips. I need to add it to existing app (multi-platform winforms), but I have no idea, how the different APIs available...

Because it is relatively complicated the example "how to" should be good :)

:( I tried it too, and I have 5 files that can be easily merged to single one (~1.5 MB). 4 of the files have same problem. the last (smallest...

"Real world feedback would also be helpful." I did not go trough all the changes, but I think it can make imgui usable with C++17 and later which are now...

Já jsem si to zase neuvědomil :-) používám verzi 0.6.2 A řeším to u světelných modulů, co má kdo za vysílačku, aby to při zapnutí správně fungovalo. Když připojím modul,...

Problém je s tou definicí "vypnutého stavu" "třípolohová tlačítka" na rukojeti "3 CH3, BMO, RE0, PV0". // u "d" je to stejné //případně NL a krok 100, zde bych -100...

Is this still planed? I am new to F# and config that can be read and written is necessary for almost all applications. I try to add `Load` myself but...

Ok thanks for info. I will use yaml, because yaml have it.