Results 30 comments of Kyle

I'm on v6 and it doesn't appear to work basically at all at this point.

Not only that but it looks like the value of the zoom property does not change when you zoom using the default interaction tag plus a mouse scroll. So there...

As a temporary workaround I added a wheel event handler to the map, and I update a backing variable that stores the actual zoom level. There really ought to be...

That approach seems to work much better. Still think an event should be exposed directly on the directive but very nice workaround. The map re-rendering speed seems to be less...

Actually this doesn't totally work. This only updates when the user moves the map, not when the zoom level is changed. And this event is already exposed to Angular on...

I replaced the event listener with the tried and true interval method. Obviously this is not ideal and exposing an actual zoom change event would be better.

Actually, maybe your method does work, this might be another bug. The circle I have drawn on the map is not refreshing until I move the map, even if I...

So the issue appears to be that vectors are not always redrawn (or rather the radius of a circle vector is not redrawn after each moveend event). I can create...

Can you show me how that was done?

Hey. Can you give me more info? Thanks.