Krzysztof Dziardziel
Krzysztof Dziardziel
I'm having the same issue. Sadly, I couldn't get it to work. I also wasn't able to get Vite+JS to work. Looks like this is some issue with how Vite...
@loicmagne You can use `@protobuf-ts` and `protoc --ts_out ./generated --proto_path "./proto" ` command. It works fine with Vite.
Having the same error. Did you manage to resolve it?
Can you share a command You're using to generate stubs? When I'm using `protoc \ --plugin="protoc-gen-ts=${PROTOC_GEN_TS_PATH}" \ --js_out="import_style=commonjs,binary:${GENERATED_DIR}" \ --ts_out="service=grpc-web:${GENERATED_DIR}" \\ --proto_path="./proto" \ ${protoFilesPaths}` I get `Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested...
@yingshaoxo Temporary solution would be to change the import types in the generated structures: `var (\w+) = require\(([\w'\.\/-]+)\)` => `import $1 from $2`. Unfortunately this takes me back to the...
This lib seems not to be working with Vite at all. If You want to develop using Vite and gRPC, use Works wonderful with Vite.
Any workaround on that? When I try: nexe -t windows-x64-12.16.3 or nexe -b windows-x64-12.16.3, I'm getting the error: ``` i nexe 3.3.2 √ Already downloaded... √ Compiling Node with arguments:...
@finnef Any updates as it seems that the issue still persists.
@finnef What do you mean worked around? I've tried serializing it with custom code, but deserializing requires special implementation so that after deserialization it is still a Map/Set/Object. This creates...
Thanks for the help then! ;)