@fonini sir did you find a solution to this. i tried creating a custom angular filter, however it did not work. @twinssbc Could you help me with trying to find...
@twinssbc Thanks a lot.
Thanks please do. Also I am not able to supply default fontsize and style to the body tag using the new webview version. The body style is hardcoded and send...
Also Please add **keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction** prop to the underlying webview along with support for placeholder
> I'm not sure what this means, can you please fill out the issue template? Sorry I wasn't sure if you'd see this. I have filled in the details for...
> That makes a lot more sense, thanks! > > What version of React Native are you using? I have been using this flag since 0.61.5 . Recently upgraded to...
@thekevinbrown any updates on this ? Would you like me to create a PR for this ?
any solutions to this ?
Hi did you find a solution to tis ?