
Results 11 issues of Kros

```xml ``` GodEye 无法监控到pocess2进程的XXXXActivity的生命周期及其他信息,请问如何支持

for issues

### 复现场景: 先查看一个header的XRecyclerView(AActivity);再查看两个header的XRecyclerView(BActivity)就会触发 IllegalStateException: ViewHolder views must not be attached when created. 经过分析发现 `XRecyclerView.sHeaderTypes` 为 被 static 修饰。 ```java public void addHeaderView(View view) { if(mHeaderViews == null || sHeaderTypes ==...

Or get authention info in ServiceApi

- 调用相机 支持7.0+ - fix MultiImageSelector.count not work

该错误来自 BlackObfuscator-ASPlugin, 根据报错定位到 MethodWriter.getSize 方法报错,但是查看下面字节码并不是很长,该如何处理,望大佬回复 ``` #This file is generated by dex2jar Please report this file to if possible. There are 629 methods fail to translate. 2023-08-03 15:41:19 UTC...

打包出现错误: ``` BlackObf Class: Lxxx/zp;# BlackObf Class: Lxx/zp;#i BlackObf Class: Lxx/zp;#x BlackObf Class: Lxx/zp;#xx Detail Error Information in File ./ Please report this file to if possible. jar2dex /xx/app/build/intermediates/dex/release/minifyReleaseWithR8/1690794457967obfclasses.dex.jar... - 优化 (' & 空格)等特殊字符 - 支持自定义 百度翻译 appid - 支持 string-array

1. 下载 [SmartKeyDataStore.kt]( 到你的项目 2. 设置 ` preferenceManager.preferenceDataStore = SmartKeyDataStore(YourConfig)` ```kotlin class SettingsFragment : PreferenceFragmentCompat() { override fun onCreatePreferences(savedInstanceState: Bundle?, rootKey: String?) { preferenceManager.preferenceDataStore = SmartKeyDataStore(AppConfig) setPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.root_preferences, rootKey) } }...