Kenneth Hoffmann Lauritsen
Kenneth Hoffmann Lauritsen
@MarcinZiabek I hope it's okay that i'm adding to this issue as i believe it is related. This is reproduceable in version 2024.3.1 Just to give you an idea of...
> Thank you for the collaboration on fixing this issue 😄 > > I have applied one more enhancement. Since many font files do not contain the `carriage return` glyph,...
Although I'm currently stuck in getting kube-plex to work I do have some input to this. - Prerequisites should include a working Kubernetes server and Helm be installed. - Considering...
@Wetteborn You actually got further than I do. When I deploy my plex it enters a crash loop because the liveness and readyness probes gets a connection refused from the...
Hey I'd like to expand on this issue as i think i have the same problem. Let's first get my setup out of the way. Data is stored on my...
My guess would be no - Although not really my area of expertise. Think about it. You (the client) want to watch a movie so plex tells you to connect...