I am not able to install the widget on a jupyter-lap platform on Ubuntu 18.04. When running this code `jupyter labextension install jupyter-sankey-widget` I get the following error: > error...
So far, the only way I found in Julia would be this: Is there other options for Sankey-Diagrams in Julia (eg. via plotlyjs, ...)
# Summary I got the following Issue with the current elpy on a Windows machine: Output from Backend There was some unexpected output from the Elpy backend. This is usually...
# Summary I tried to start the following app And i received the following error: /usr/local/bin/python3.9: can't find '__main__' module in '/home/christian/wd/DashApp' The proposed workaround of C-u C-c C-c...
Some Feed entries won't be displayed with elfeed-goodies while working fine with elfeed. GNU Emacs 26.1 (build 2, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.22.30) of 2018-05-29 elfeed: 20181127.1943 elfeed-goodies: 20190128.1631 .emacs: `...
Is it possible to directly open a diagram within the RStudio Viewer or is the default way using an external browser? Thank you!
After creating a new app with c-o-s-a , I am asked if I want to move the folder. App created in x/y/z/. Do you want to move it? (y or...
I used the title option; but unlike in the docs (topright corner) it moved to the topleft corner (per default) on top of a node. Would be nice to have...
I find the package very convenient. Would it be possible to extend the functionality to classes and modules?