The package exhibiting the problem : https://github.com/Kraymer/F-dotfiles/tree/master/git the file /.config/git/credentials.example should be ignored because declared in .stow-local-ignore, it is not always the case ## stowing if `~/.config/git̀` exists beforehand =>...
I spent lot of time figuring why sometimes lyrics and genre fetched via _lyrics_ and _lastgenre_ plugins were not written in the files metadata. After reading the docs I figured...
An example is that for movies of kind 'TV series' : you may want to store them at another place than others movies. ``` genre: dirs: true buckets: true link_format:...
The same way you can specify the link format bucket and dirs folder should have a specific format These fields could authorize true/false/string values, string being the format to use...
Succession of tries to find movie infos : - search from filename - if google api key: search from imdb fetched using google custom engine - _(in interactive mode only)_...
something like ``` filename_tokens = ['foo', 'bar'] ```
A fresh clone of the repository has build failing. See https://github.com/Kraymer/jekyll-maps/actions Steps done : - i forked https://github.com/ayastreb/jekyll-maps - in https://github.com/Kraymer/jekyll-maps/settings/pages I selected `gh-pages-src` as the branch to deploy from...
I use this theme for my CV, I noticed it is broken, don't know for how long, see preview https://registry.jsonresume.org/thomasdavis?theme=autumn
Hello FYI, I had this error when setting the action : ~~~ Command failed with exit code 1 (EPERM): git commit -m 'Update from 'Create or Update Request' action' --author...