Kossai Sbai
Kossai Sbai
Happy to look into this if it is still required
If people are still interested in having that function implemented, more than happy to take this on
Hey there, I agree with your overall suggestion. I believe the file name should just indicate the model name and any other details can be included in the TXT file...
@patrickvonplaten not sure whether it is still needed, but willing to tackle this issue
Hey @patrickvonplaten, I have managed to download the zip on [here]( http://spandh.dcs.shef.ac.uk/chime_challenge/CHiME4/download.html) and successfully uploaded all the files on a hugging face dataset: https://huggingface.co/datasets/ksbai123/Chime4 However I am getting this error...
@patrickvonplaten ?
Hey there would love to take charge of that if that is alright. happy to help!
Can any of the admins assign me to this issue?
Happy to take a look!
Happy to look into that!