Kornel Jahn
Kornel Jahn
Adding this Perl extension to urxvt solved the issue for me: https://github.com/Roliga/urxvt-xresources-256
I can confirm this problem, too. Switched temporarily to the SeaVGABIOS free payload which solves the garbled green artifacts issue, however, it also forces some non-native 4:3 (?) resolution, making...
This error also occurs during NixOS installation, when a script created using `pkgs.writeShellApplication` fails the `shellcheck` step. See MWE [here](https://github.com/KornelJahn/nixos-crossdev-link-bug-mwe).
> The same error occurred for me when installing NixOS with configuration for [kmonad NixOSmodule](https://github.com/kmonad/kmonad/tree/master/nix). It seemed to have an issue linking my .kbd file. So it's not only the...