
Results 17 comments of Kori

I could be wrong, but i think read model was designed to be flat and not load related data this way. I think you could add PassengerId into the PassengerNameUpdatedEvent...

I agree with ramus. Without proper optimisation of queries it might slow down the performance. I could see it as a optional feature. But again. This would then split the...

If there is a need for complex query types you can always implement your own query and query processor [Guide](https://eventflow.readthedocs.io/Queries.html) It might go something like this ```c# using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using...

have to confirm something first, there's 3 way to go about this. 1: Make changes to the current builder/command 2: Make new builder/command 3: Make new builder/add additional parameter to...

You could always use something like this ``` hc.AddAsyncCheck("Elastic Node", async () => { var client = services.BuildServiceProvider().GetRequiredService(); var pingResult = await client.PingAsync(); var isSuccess = pingResult.ApiCall.HttpStatusCode == 200; return...

```php public function prepend(ContainerBuilder $container) { $bundles = $container->getParameter('kernel.bundles'); if (isset($bundles['LiipThemeBundle'])) { $themes = []; $finder = new Finder(); foreach($finder->path('/\/Resources\/themes\/.*$/')->directories()->in($container->getParameter('kernel.root_dir').'/..') as $directory) { if(strstr($directory->getPath(), "Tests") === false) { if(!in_array($directory->getFilename(), $themes))...

sorry i just realised that i missed a chunk of code. no, this just detect the themes folder and builds the array. eg: ["theme1","theme2", "theme3"] after which it will set...

need to some how convert the path from gaufrette to a symfony file object, but this is more upload portion? it should work out of the box when you use...

For the themes can consider the following implementation https://gist.github.com/7thcubic/701c0ff6aaa85511e80da5aece5bb798 https://gist.github.com/7thcubic/1817a6c83dd92189d8af76298243a6f1 after which it can be used like so. ```php ``` basically it will add /themes/currenttheme to the 'css/bootstrap.css'.

@aahung not sure if this is related. SAM CLI, version 1.22.0 Building a nested stack that defines a Docker image works as expected. But i have issue when trying to...