Well this address leads to a strange page where I am asked to install several programs. I chose one and opened it in the browser, see a chat,but no answer...
I am doing it on a laptop. I am choosing "Element", then continue with browser and get a strange error Laden der Verlaufsposition fehlgeschlagen, Das Laden einer bestimmten Stelle im...
@N8Solutions thank you, it is working now. However this does not solve my problem. I am no programmer and I am just a beginner to css, but I assume I...
Or maybe like that? .menu1 #body { background-image:url("../images/Bottom_texture.jpg"); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; }
OK, you will not believe this, but I got this. body.menu1 Thank you!
Thank you, but it is easier for you to say, than for me to do :-) What is the syntax of the menu item ID body, then? body.menuitem.123 ???
Thank you very much, it was a great help. However I have a small issue: every menu is a phoca gallery. the page is https://test.aquila-it.pl When I go to Nature...