I did this because the z coordinate for Kinect is the distance from Kinect to the object and the Y coordinate is the distance of the object from the ground...
I think for image processing it is better to use OpenCV. To compute the normal vector you have to find 3 points in the plane that you are looking for...
I had the same problem. Unfortunately, I don't know how to solve it. I think this is a problem with Kinect. I may have solved this problem in my other...
Depth picture format is uint16 as described by microsoft. If you set it to uint8 you are losing information. You can show me your code to see if I could...
Most of the library's functions require the actual depth values from Kinect, meaning the distance of the object from the camera. However, a saved Depth Frame or Color Frame does...
This is the code to Map Color to Depth, however without the Kinect running i don't think that it will produce any result. Most likely a black image. import numpy...
In reality, the array that the Kinect returns when you call the function kinect.get_last_depth_frame() is a (424*512) array that is made from the kinect._depth_frame_data using the next command: depth_frame =...
I think this has something to do with the Kinect's accuracy. Try using the world points for better accuracy. or try the depth point to color to see if they...
I am sorry mate, I do not have a Kinect any more, but as far as i can see you do not use my library so it is better to...
Hello, unfortunately this library can make live pointclouds using the Kinect v2 and save these pointclouds in a .pcd or .ply format, thus it cannot convert a .mat file to...