> Because I realized that uosc only sorts the first character specially and thus wouldn't apply to your example. So there's no way to make MPV (or autload, or uosc)...
Would it be possible to change the Windows sorting logic? As I'm new to programming and that kind of thing, could you tell me the name of the sorting rule...
Have you find a solution?
I use this ffmpeg command: ``` ffmpeg -stream_loop -1 -i input.mp4 -i input.mp4 -shortest -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 -c copy output.mp4 ```
> ``` > yt-dlp --ppa "Merger+ffmpeg_i1:-stream_loop -1" --ppa "Merger+ffmpeg_o1:-shortest" https://coub.com/view/3bqkg3 Worked like a charm, thank you very much!
> I recommend you to recheck downloaded video. After 25 second video stopped, while audio still continues. I re-downloaded with the above command and everything is fine, video didn't stop....
Does anyone know if with X Premium this limit is increased?
> You can use --term-status-msg=foo to apply a custom term status message. I'm a beginner and with no programming experience, so I'm not sure I'll know how to do this,...
@guidocella It worked percetly, thank you so much!!! For any other newbie like me seeing this on the future, the step-by-step to achieve what I wanted is: - Create a...
> This sounds a lot like an XY problem. Why do you need to run ffmpeg from with mpv? > > It seems far simpler to have a lua script...