
Results 10 issues of Kongsea

I want to train this net using my own dataset. I have successfully set the data, however, the number of class need to be modified and some model layers cannot...

Fix compatibility for python2.

Update to resolve the error: > Undefined symbol: _ZTIN10tensorflow8OpKernelE

After running some steps, it raised the following error, please check it. Thank you. Caused by op u'train_op/CheckNumerics', defined at: File "train.py", line 228, in train() File "train.py", line 138,...

This repository processes the fixed-size images, however, I need to input and output images of different sizes and make sure that the images remain the same sizes as its original...

This repository processed MNIST, which has only one channel. But I need to process my rgb images. So how to do the modifications? Thank you.

I cannot find this file. Could you please tell me how to find this file? Thank you.

How to implement formular (4) in the paper? If we have the three tensors, tx, ty and tl with the shape (None, 1) respectively, how do we get the corresponding...


I have trained FPN and the bbox loss is always 0, except the first one hundrand iterations. I have not found the problem. Could you please give me some advice?...