
Results 42 comments of Kongsea

Thank you. It said the input images need to be squared, however, my images are not. How to process it or modify the code?

Thank you. I will try it too.

Have you achieved it? @xymeng16

Train using cpu? Are you kidding me?

I want to know how to switch vgg model to resnet. Obviously, resnet will be better.

我训练的时候,运行到测试这一步,直接出错: > File "run.py", line 32, in main > FLAGS.aligning, FLAGS.eval_step_interval, FLAGS.output_dir) > File "tensorflow-examples/speech/steps/train.py", line 87, in train > dense_labels = sparse_tuple_to_string(test_data[1], lexicon) > NameError: name 'test_data' is not...

@kevinan1 麻烦看一下呢?谢谢。


@GangTimes 我也是这么改的,也是输出了拼音。 有后续进展,记得分享一下哦。