Results 291 comments of Enno

Maybe this could be documented more prominently, as symlinking happens quite frequently and thus is a common source of failure

How about the more portable [eval]( ?

This is the same as #29 ?!

Somewhat offtopic: For some reason, directory completion works for me in ZSH only with `` but without only erratically. Any ideas?

Maybe updating Powershell could help? If @janlazo has any hunch?

Hello @patashish704 , thank you again for your contribution. Is this ready?

Just an idea: Should `b:did_ftplugin` also be set in ? It sets the nonstandard `b:pandoc_loaded`. See `:help ftplugin-overrule`.

See `:help DISABLING`: DISABLING If you are writing a filetype plugin to be used by many people, they need a chance to disable loading it. Put this at the top...

The formatoptions are initially set to `1n` ``` " autoload/pandoc/formatting.vim (lines 280-288) function! pandoc#formatting#UseSoftWraps() abort "{{{1 " reset settings that might have been changed by UseHardWraps setlocal textwidth& setlocal formatoptions&...