Results 291 comments of Enno

Hello @insipx , `vim-ctrlspace` is designed for working with at most one workspace in one instance of Vim. The CWD is tied to the workspace, always saved by ```vim "...

Please take a look at how does it. I am trying to port the helper functions and readline bindings; the only stumbling block is an additional C# binary in...

See for the gist of these helper functions at `PSFzf` crudely adapted to `poco`.

Seems so. These are the outputs: ``` ~> (Get-Host).UI.RawUI ForegroundColor : -1 BackgroundColor : -1 CursorPosition : 0,9 WindowPosition : 0,0 CursorSize : 100 BufferSize : 80,34 WindowSize : 80,34...

Apparently the issue is that `MyPandocOpen` is called from python. Isn't there a way to call it from Vim ? Then it would behave as expected, in particular the variable...

Perhaps `pandoc` should check for `g:SessionLoad`.

Since sets `b:did_ftplugin` for markdown files (as listed there), it would first be interesting if the issue for files with extension `.pandoc` is the same as for those with...

Could ```vim inoremap pandoc#table#kbd_tab() inoremap pandoc#table#kbd_shift_tab() ``` be made optional? Some may have overriden ``, for example, for tab-completion (say by [vim-mucomplete]( Perhaps one could mention (or incorporate) that...

Might go with some documentation like a FAQ about handling pandoc compilation errors; latexrun is what I resorted to as it produces the cleanest output out of box.

Okay, this is a maintainer's preference. This suggestion was inspired by other plug-ins such as `vimtex` for editing TeX files. Many users appreciate a spellcheck when editing TeX files, but...