> Find a way to allow plugins and custom libraries for specific node tree to declare nodes in the same categories as the buil-in ones. Here is my idea for...
> When replacing the draw function you lose the search functionality, right? You can only search the node items of a node cateogory that returns True when polling. Specifically `NodeCategory.items(...
> Support subcategories for generating nodes with a drop-down selector (like the Mix or the Math nodes in EEVEE). This is checked but for me this has no effect. The...
Ah yeah I just noticed that some actually do already have dropdowns.
I found an issue with the subcategories. When the enum updates you need to recompile the graph for the change to take effect (an issue that pops up a lot...
> Support shift+a search functionality for subcategory items. Not sure if we can do this, as mentioned before, the search function lists all node items in categories that can be...
for the min/max parameters. The 'bpy.types.UILayout.prop' function has a 'slider' keyword argument that we can use to display the parameters with both min and max as sliders. But I dont...
oooh. You know what? I always thought that these two methods of getting custom property meta data were the same:  But as you can see they are clearly not....
seems like we ended up working on the same thing now 😅 I was gonna wait for the poll to end but I guess we can estimate the result of...
https://github.com/bnpr/Malt/pull/348/commits/7d757e9d505ab1aae9885cec5e8f2432c582f4b8 is a fix for the min and max meta properties. Before, unless both min AND max were set there wouldnt be any clamping. now either of them can be...