Change the code in GUI.cpp
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Try adding the font like in [GUI.cpp](https://github.com/notgoodusename/OsirisAndExtra/blob/b854c266b27f3d96947dc3335635e87543c63648/Osiris/GUI.cpp#L71) `fonts.example = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("font", 35.f);` then call it through `ImGui::PushFont(fonts.example) //code ImGui::PopFont();`
> It crashes when I do that make sure the font is right, or add through byte array. if that fails, just debug
Yes to the ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground But I'm pretty sure you can also just change the value in the color settings. Like this. (244, 244, 244, 0) You can read more on...
# > Still looking for a soloution I'll look into this tomorrow, as soon as I find a solution I'll post it