Thank you very much for this good addition. However, there is a basic question that we have yet to decide. Since the I2C bus is slow (at 100kHz and 400kHz)...
Agreed. Perhaps more is needed, for example making them virtual. The Arduino [Wire.h](https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-avr/blob/master/libraries/Wire/src/Wire.h) for the AVR branch is from 2016 and the [Wire.cpp](https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-avr/blob/master/libraries/Wire/src/Wire.cpp) from 2017. It seems that those files...
My idea was to use the low-level functions of the OneWire library for other processors. However, I did some tests with the 48MHz SAMD21 processor (Arduino Zero, M0, and many...
It might take too long. The request handler should respond as fast as possible. Any code that stops interrupts or interrupt routines that take a long time influences the reaction...
Did you also move the myWire.requestFrom() to the Arduino loop() ? It might be the same bug as: https://github.com/Testato/SoftwareWire/issues/19#issuecomment-472632760
Yes, it does interfere. Thank you for reporting this issue and for your clear explanation. It is the same issue as issue https://github.com/Testato/SoftwareWire/issues/5 The Servo library uses one timer with...
@bperrybap, thank you for mentioning this. We would like to have 100kHz I2C for AVR chips. I prefer to use the AVR sbi and sti instructions ( http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__avr__sfr.html ), but...
These are my fall back macros. Perhaps the OneWire.h has not the ideal functions, since the I2C can be defined with or without internal pullup resistors. #define i2c_sda_lo() digitalWrite(_sdaPin, LOW);...
There are some issues, for example the repeated start does not work. I started to fix that with a test version on my own computer, but then the clock duty...
@ONLYstcm There is too much going on. Without the bugs the FastWire can be removed. The Arduino Wire library does not have timeouts so all the timeouts can be removed....