
Results 7 comments of Koda

I'm interested too

The fix works indeed Would be possible to compile libetpan also for catalyst?

I have this crash 0xdead10cc. I close the fmdb on func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/126438 I was wondering if is necessary or I have to 'sql interrupt' what the transaction...

the function is the main refresh function of the app, on a background fetch event I trigger it so I'm not that sure there is an hang or the users...

I wrapped the close procedure function in a background task to see if it solves the problem. Checking my code I found that I open 2 FMDB queue on the...

the idea was to have 2 FMDBQueue instances (1reader/1writer) on the same file. So the first one can read even the second is writing without blocking the gui. I'm trying...

Thanks :) I guess is "just slow and is still in progress when the app suspends"