+1 for this. Especially for getLabel. I need \Nette\Utils\Html for checkbox label and it gets translated by Form's translator, not control translator. Other values are translated by BaseControl::translate() method. Why...
OK, after some thinking - i get it why it is translated by Form's translator. Can we just make an exceptin for \Nette\Utils\Html? Something like Translate method has? !($v instanceof...
Yeah, I can solve it by disabling translator for that form and every other thing (elements, validator messages etc) put into $translator->translate(...). But it's not as convenient as just excluding...
The fix with esbuild-register is not working for me. I am using typeorm and there is an error with decorators not being supported yet. I am stuck with electron 27...
I believe that pull request #59 fixes both of the problems.
Hi, a bit late, but: 1. Go to https://github.com/ArduCAM/Arducam-Pivariety-V4L2-Driver/releases/ and download latest .deb packages of: * libcamera * libcamera-dev * libcamera-ipa * rpicam-apps (in the next release libcamera-apps) 2. install...
Hi, it is working in latest rpi os bookworm, I am using it myself. You have to download latest files from releases. Ignore packages from bullseye. Packages to install on...