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Mod adding various smaller features to Minecraft
Some of vanilla trees have variants that can naturally generate in world, but can't be grown from saplings: 1. Tall Birch from Birch Forest M and Birch Forest Hills M...
Heya, was wondering if we could get an option to have keys and locks be used up once unlocked. I'm currently building some custom dungeons using blocks like the secret...
It's long bothered me that when you use stairs to make roofs in wintery climates, the flat bits of the roofs will gather snow, but the stairs don't. 1 snow...
It would be great if we could placed the dyed water could be picked up with a bucket and placed in the world, much like a few other mods do....
Update zh_cn.json 1.14 In addition Can I move your mods to mcbbs? mcbbs: mcbbs is the largest minecraft fan forum in China. I will not provide download sources other than...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It has been mentioned on Discord that my pipes are quite performant due to their simplicity. However, they run at...
**Describe the bug:** A Collector that is placed while pressing shift will face the opposite direction. This is unexpected/different from Vanilla behavior and can lead to situations where you can't...
e.g. smashing a pumpkin, outputs 1~3 seeds
**Describe the idea** Making tipped arrows in the cauldron is awesome. And it could be better to see more bedrock features in JE, making it an equivalent to Bedrockify (Fabric)...
Cauldron cannot be emptied with dispenser. Cauldron is not crafting recipes as declared. Dropping in anythind in cauldron simply destroys the item. Dropping anything that could craft in cauldron does...