
Results 40 comments of Kmaschta

Thanks for the attention 💯 In the meantime, I plugged the fork I made as a dependency of React Admin. But this is a problem for our users that...

This is a good idea, and it's closer to the real usage of GraphQL nowadays. But that will be a breaking change, so, let's keep that idea for later!

Absolutely. Include sed flags (at least global `g` and case insensitive `i`) would be great.

Another inefficient diff parser error `````` javascript { hunk: '@@ -44,15 +44,21 @@ Lastly, filesystems don\'t order files the same way. Some filesystems don\'t even\n \n You probably have a...

Hint for the `position = null`, it can be a review submitted from a commit no from the PR "files changed".

I re-open this issue since I have some new elements. I also reverted what I thought it was the solution.

Another one : ```js { hunk: '@@ -24,31 +34,39 @@ const ls = (ui, modules) => function* () {\n };\n \n const add = (ui, modules, options) => function*...

Here is another bug: ```js { hunk: '@@ -109,6 +110,106 @@ export const PostList = (props) => (\n );\n ```\n \n+### Bulk Actions\n+\n+You can replace the list of default...