Results 7 issues of klausn

If I drop an element into a droppable container, the (onDropSuccess) event should fire. However in my example ``` {{o.key}} {{o._id}} {{}} {{o.key}} ``` it is possible, to drop an...


I forgot that in the last PR. The decimal answer needs an integration test

Add the option to pass in drawables (not just resource Ids). This will be a breaking change.


One solution: add the generic type of the answer to the `StepIdentifier`.

help wanted

I've set up a server, with a controller like this ```typescript @Resource("server") @Controller() export class ServerController { @InjectRepository(Server) private serverRepository: Repository; @Scopes("Get") @Get('/') // full url would be http://localhost:3002/api/v1/server async...

Type: Enhancement

* include note relevant methods * include reference to documentation Ref: