Gerrit Uitslag

Results 358 comments of Gerrit Uitslag

We are already checking for the existance of `session_start()` in the installer, but not `session_name`. Is `session_start()` not part of that `php74-session`? Or is `session_name()` called earlier?

Nice! Thanks for sharing some general thoughts as well! I like the following logos, because: 1.2, 1.3 - clear colors (but contrast between items is not enough imho) 2.4 -...

You can already use a CDN for jQuery, so that visitors has already the js library downloaded in their browser cache. Is it worth the effort to make a more...

What kind of speed gains do you expect? (Do assume everybody start with empty cache? That is not realistic imho) There are more than 1000 plugins, however not sure how...

plugins or template provide their javascript via the file `scripts.js`. There are 551 plugins and templates using javascript: [codesearch: path: scripts AND js]( And if searched for javascript files with...

For some context, and because I’m wondering which template does not use JavaScript, which template are you using?

Normal redirects aren't possible from the syntax plugin (where code code is located). A workaround is something with javascript.... ``` php ... something to store $MSG to session... echo '';...

Handling the post of the form earlier, means that it should be moved to an action component. Is there a way to have access from the action component to the...

For me the feature is fine. But I didn't have look in how it really works. I don't know yet an idea what the script action is actually doing. @micgro42...

I have no idea what you mean. Please, could you give an example of syntax which triggers this issue, or pointer to the code you are referring?