I have build the old and new version to compare. Because I am not to sure about the head 255 problem. So I patched a AVR part in it to...
Ok, thanks that explains it better. I am not an expert in file formats :-)
Maybe I just keep on using the old one to make sdcards. Since I dont know anything about partitions it will take a lot of time to try-and-error this.
I will try your idea in the weekend. For some more info of the partition you can look at https://www.ti.com/lit/ug/spruh73q/spruh73q.pdf At page 5059 there is the information about the boot...
Tried your suggestion as follows. ### sudo fdisk -c=dos -u=cylinders -H 255 -S 63 /dev/sdc **o** - create DOS Partition **n** - new partition primairy - **1** first partition -...
Thanks a lot for the help. You were totally on top of it. Ultra fast response on this item !
Hmwel, I dont know much about this program. So I cannot help you on that. When I first encountered the problem I went back to the 2011-Version of mkfs.fat That...
I dont think it is possible to connect the PRG board a JTAG controller for Debugging. (I can be wrong here) However the ESP S3 has an internal USB JTAG...
I am not sure if this is what you are looking for. But the Logger is just like std::out So