Kislaya Pant
Kislaya Pant
> Hey @MaheshGooner. > > I see no one got back to you so I thought I would just help you out very quickly. > > The reason your Klov...
Hi @anshooarora, I tried the above approach but still while running the docker-compose file I am getting issue as below : - `host.docker.internal:27017] com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.SLF4JLogger: Exception in monitor thread while connecting...
Had tried with below Docker Compose File as well as thought to install mongodb seperately, but no luck with that. Same error log , @anshooarora can please help me. version:...
> hi 1. u need to download mongodb separately 2.yml/.yaml file takes image from dockerhub and checks for connection between klov and mongodb version: '2' services: klov: image: anshooarora/klov:1.0.1 container_name:...